Sometimes we see people in the creative industry getting all geeked out on tech and gear. They let it get in the way of connecting a story or message with the people they are trying to reach through media.
So what’s key to telling a good story? Well, it might just really be about attracting just the right match. A few years ago, Minnesota Humanities (MHC) contacted us to tell their story, based on them liking our work. On the surface, it was a story of workshops, charts of data, and experts working together. What we saw was a story about communication, sharing our histories, and bridging the gaps we put around us. It not only transformed how MHC saw themselves, it set up how we were looking to tell stories, indeed, we had found a perfect match.
Now MHC again contacted us for a new event, a look at themselves, framed as a art collaboration. Called “ME:WE,” it’s name taken from the ‘shortest poem’ created by Muhammad Ali, to show not just a chart with data numbers, but to show the web of connections that they had created. As TerraLuna Co-Lead Evaluator Nora Murphy Johnson, PhD. says, “Instead of TELLING people the big picture, we wanted them to build it themselves.”
That really clicks for us, there is always the wider picture just beyond the frame that we capture. For us, stories and communication hasn’t been about TELLING a story directly to someone, but to give them the ideas to build up their own answers, or the bigger questions. The drive of MHC is same as us, and that shared passion has made it clear what our direction continues to move towards with our eyes wide open.
And we believe it will open more eyes too.