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'We Think SmALL'™

We understand it’s the details that matter.


When you connect with Surreal Media Lab, you instantly gain a creative and on-demand strategy and marketing department; a super-powered team that can build and launch your website, raise your profile on social media, and so much more.

Small businesses create community, foster first-hand learning and mentoring, and make an area a destination. We know that. Our creative solutions agency is from the era of the “original startup.”

From one small business to another, let’s do something big together.

Case Study, Select Roofing

Since 1989, Select Roofing grew from a small one-man crew mainly repairing hail damage, to a fully staffed and reliable company doing… well, a lot of home improvement work that customers have come to trust in. Over those 28 years, Select grew without the use of websites, social media, or without even a real logo to speak of. With the business now being as big as it is now, no longer just that one man workin’ crew, it was time for them to brand and market themselves to the larger community.

Creating a unified campaign of a new Logo, website, and social media marketing almost overnight was a challenge, but the good kind of challenge, that helps teach everyone an important lesson. Many businesses are good, but we want to be there to make them great.

What’s in the box…

  • Using our 7 Core Elements plan help to Focus on the real business.
  • Created a memorable Logo that works.
  • Market the business towards it’s real strengths.
  • Built a fresh new website from the ground up.
  • We don’t force trendy design rebrands if it doesn’t actually fit.
  • A campaign that grows with you.

Making Something Bigger Together.


Entrepreneurship is the key to everyone’s growth and future.

Omaha Chamber REACH Program

Working together with Greater Omaha Chamber, all business can benefit and prosper.

LEONUM Security Advisors

Thinking Big in safety and security for smaller firms in the 21st Century.

See More on Vimeo

Start Small

Think Bigger.

Down to do something BIG?