The 5th African American Leadership Conference (AALC) is a wrap, something seen as not having support years ago, is now, still continuing to set attendance records…
Still continuing to bring voices to Omaha that some had never dreamed of seeing here. It was just a few years ago when so many said it’s couldn’t be done or was lost hope now is where so many look to Omaha for the answer. The Omaha Empowerment Network and all it’s partners within the community have brought you real and lasting change.
New thoughts and new ideas, from long time friends Randal Pinkett, Dr. Pam Jolly brought excitement fused with sparks of positive energy brought by Simon T. Bailey that carried this year’s event to an even greater high. The round-table discussion with Soledad O’Brien in front of a crowd of hundreds at the Hilton’s Grand Central Ballroom, brought forth important discussion points ( “conversations that people are afraid to have about difficult issues,” as Soledad explained. ) about national concerns and frustrations and how important, and inspiring, it is to see a community come together to address and begin to take action on these issues.
History falls on two levels, the big sweeping national or global events that shape what we know of this moment, and the many quiet, smaller threads that make up supporting moments of history. Here in Omaha, here in the North Omaha community, here for us at Surreal Media Lab, at The Omaha Empowerment Network, and the countless others tireless workers who push this change forward day to day, History feels like it’s reached record levels and yet we know this is just the start. That these next 5 years will be unlike anytime that has come before.
A real and lasting change has come, and now is the time WE make history. That’s what the AALC is all about!