Small business is the lifeblood of American economy, no matter politics, class or background, everyone agrees on the importance of smaller, independent and flexible businesses are to growing the city and it’s communities.
We worked with OSBN (The Omaha Small Business Network) to tell the stories of 7 unique people making a living at launching their own business while finding great support and being able to give back to the community.
Houston Construction, Binyard Specialty Cleaning, On The Edge Enterprises, and Styles of Evolution are just a few of the names working with OSBN to transform long neglected parts of Omaha into new centers of economic change.
OSBN’s journey is also a story worth telling, having been around since the 80’s, one could say they were the first to jump on the idea of investing in entrepreneurs and crowd sourcing the community for new ideas, you could say they were an idea that was way ahead of it’s time.