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MACCH (Metro Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless) has been on the frontline for Omaha’s citizens struggling with rent and other costs to ensure an end to homelessness for years. Yet, even as the economy continues its recovery from the impact of the pandemic, so many in Omaha are facing deep rental debt and fear of evictions and the loss of basic housing security. COVID-19 has exacerbated an affordable housing crisis that predated the pandemic.
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program was funded to meet this need, sending billions of dollars to assist households. Nationwide, information for applications and multiple needs of assistance went out, including Omaha.


We’ve partnered with MACCH before to revitalize their old website. So they came to us again, to focus on getting all the new info and program to work in a way that wouldn’t be scary to use. Our new partnership with them would help them avoid a confusing mess,  so that MACCH could help as many homeowners and renters coming to the site.

One of the most important rules for our design goal was to “remove uncertainty.” Making sure a user’s experience would be of knowing confidently what they should do, and what they need, was top priority.



Now there is a happy balance of information, nothing too overwhelming. MACCH continues to be instrumental in the fight to end homelessness and letting low-income tenants know about the rights they deserve.