75 North, an organization founded in 2011 and Led by Othello Meadows, is an organization of committed community members who want to make a difference in Omaha. Working together with them, we joined int with their breaking of new ground and showcasing their commitment to building healthy communities.

Groundbreaking Ceremony for the New 75 North Highlander Housing Development.
It’s an exciting time to see this built from the ground up, and to following the growth and development of one the biggest neighborhood proposals in the city of Omaha. Focusing on proposals and ideas that have been around for more than a decade, gathered from engaging with members of the Omaha community, and building upon their hopes and dreams and using a proven model from the national Purpose Built Communities Initiative.
And like any great undertaking, the Highlander development promises not only to bring about a great start, but the beginning of even greater things, that we hope to continue to be a part of.