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Be an Informed Voter


The Flatwater Free Press is Nebraska’s first independent, nonprofit newsroom. An independent news source that devotes themselves to covering the state’s most important stories.  They have just launched their updated Voters Guide to the 2024 Election and we are proud of having collaborated on this important work!

We’ve been working on creating a series of videos with the Flatwater FreePress to help Nebraska voters feel informed and ready for the upcoming election. But we had to focus on not just flooding people with all the facts out there. We want to make sure these videos are engaging, easy to follow, and, most importantly, useful to you.

2024 Nebraska Voter Guide





Why We’re Focused on Quality


Our goal is simple: make sure these videos are clear and helpful. We know elections can feel confusing or overwhelming, so we broke everything down in a way that’s easy to understand. No jargon, no complicated language — just straight talk about what’s on the ballot and how it affects you.

It was also our goal to make sure videos were not a graphic overload of lots of numbers or charts or something that’s just too overly flashy.


Connecting with Our Community


These videos aren’t just dry information. We really want to reach the people, to get our community involved and excited about voting. We hope when you watch, you’ll feel more confident about making decisions at the polls. We’re aiming to keep things friendly, informative, and encouraging — like a conversation with a trusted friend who just wants to help you make sense of it all. Everyone should feel good about knowing what they want to vote for.


We’re Excited


This is something fairly new for us at Surreal Media. Honestly, we’re pumped about what these videos can do, and excited to see our collaboration with Flatwater Free Press create something vital for everyone.

We know how empowering it is to feel informed when you vote, and we want to make that as easy as possible, by creating something that helps all of us feel more connected and ready to take action.

Exploring their voters guide you can catch the latest in knowing about who and what is on your ballot directly from your zip code! The list of videos breaking down upcoming ballot measures should help everyone looking to vote arm themselves with facts and understanding. Whether by mail-in voting, early voting, or showing on Election Day this upcoming Nov. 5th, we know you want to be as ready to go as we are.